The Athlete behind the titles...

A message from the champion...

"It is in my darkest moments I really found out who I was. Lying on the floor of a shop, with hope in my heart, dreaming of winning that crucial point to change my life. Staring defeat in the face when losing is not an option, remembering the sacrifice, hearing my brother's voice in my mind, reminding me to push one more time to believe the unlikely is possible."

"I am the proverbial underdog, outmatched, overlooked, and underrated. It is my mission to make sure I end my career not as the underdog but as the best African badminton player to ever live."

My Quest...

This is the quest for Olympic and World glory, to qualify and compete at the 2024 Paris Olympics and make history as the highest-ranked African player ever!

As a 3x African Champion, I know what it will take, effort, time, money and resilience but more importantly YOU!!!

TOGETHER we can show that Africa can compete at the elite level of badminton, break the belief that Africa is not a badminton continent, and create a new story for African and Nigerian sport.

Join me to contribute and see behind the scenes of the journey.

TOGETHER we can make that happen...

Will you join the quest?

Support me to make history for Nigeria and Africa!

Olympic Qualification

My Schedule

17th - 19th Feb: All Africa Championships

22nd - 26th Feb: Uganda Intl IC

17th - 21st May: Slovenia IC

5th - 10th Jun: Maldives IC

20th - 23rd Jul: Mauritius IC

26th - 30th Jul: Reunion IC

Training in Denmark

21st - 27th Aug: WORLD CHAMPS

30th - 2nd Sep: Lagos IC

12th - 17th Sep: Vietnam 100

31st - 5th Nov: Malaysia Masters 100

7th - 12th Nov: Korea Masters 300

14th - 19th Nov: Malaysia IC

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